conduct the musicians, playing beethoven's 9th symphony as wewell as pieces from tchaikovsky and brahms. it was a first-time experience for the classical music repertoires are rare in the north. chung said the musicians there boasted a high level of musical proficiency and talents, and expressed his desire to introduce them to his own orchestra members in seoul. korean "when the music started, we immediately forgot about all other matters, including political issues. the members of the orchestras and i communicated through music. and i felt assured that we must play music together." and he enthusiastically talked about his plans for holding a joint south and north korea concert in december, this year. korean "i'd like for south and north korean orchestras to perform beethoven's 9th symphony together this december... and donate concert proceeds to help the needy in the north. although my previous efforts to do that failed because of politics, i feel that it is highly possible this time around." chung said north korean officials agreed to hold such joint concerts... and th