it's critical to our defense industrial brails. -- base. we know that one in seven u.s. private sector jobs depend on u.s. manufacturing. i think there's a general sense in the country that we need to make sure we start making things again in the united states. we cannot have an economy based solely on technology or service. we do need manufactured products. every $1 in sales of manufactured products supports $1.33 in output from other sectors. it's the largest ripple effect that we can get and our nation thrives when we are leading the world in cutting-edge technology in manufacturing. accelerating growth in u.s. manufacturing attracts the kind of well-paying jobs that will help drive middle class economic security. i think a lot of the discussion today has been, what's that first rung on the economic ladder that somebody can grab? and manufacturing, i believe, is that rung. we talk about these other programs, we talk about suppressed wages and then obviously in this budget the other side does not want to support medicaid expansion, does not want to support credits to h