i said is it possible the tumor is so big that it just compressed the brainstem and is not in the brainstem? should we go back in? they said, by all means. as i peeled it away layer by layer, i got to the last layer and there was the glistening white brainstem, intact. long story short, he walked out of the hospital and is today a minister. [applause] one of the oncologists said, i have always been an atheist. not anymore. i really wasn't for him, it was for me. i thought i was doing all of this stuff. you came out of detroit and went to yale university. you have all these people coming to you, your great. i realized it wasn't me at all. lord, from now on, you be the neurosurgeon, and i will be the hands. that is where the term "gifted hands" came from. [applause] that is when these amazing things started to happen. these incredible once-in-a-lifetime cases. i always remembered who was doing it. i want to guarantee you this. if you will in fact always keep god out front and always acknowledge him, he will lift you up and he will use you in a positive way. that is what i mean when i say thin