there was the brainstem. smashed and displaced, but intact.g story short, that little boy walked out of the house will and today is a minister. -- t hl antoday is a minister. [applause] oncologisthe involved in that case said i have always been an atheist, but now i am a believer. it was moving for me because i thought i was this incredible surgeon who is doing all this great stuff. i realized at that point that it was god. it was gone all along. i said god coming to be the neurosurgeon and i will be the hands. that is where the gift of hands came from. it was a gift from him. to takee me the freedom on all kinds of cases. i would not have had that freedom without the faith that he gave me through that particular endeavor. that is the thing that makes difference. i would have never thought that i would end up in government. i would have told you you were nuts. guides in the lord different ways. i was asked to be the keynote speaker for the national prayer breakfast and i thought that was strange. i had been asked in 1997 and i was not sure any