that should was hole knowledge was brought up to think his people were all boston braman families. holmes' first relative, ancest or, tapedded harvard in the 1600s and raised to believe his people were better, and that he was at the top of a hire, a kerr and when carrie buck come thursday the supreme court and is from the lowest social class in the south, to the lowest white social class, poor, white, sometimes called trash, but obviously that's not an acceptable way to refer to them but that low social economic class of whites, that's who carrie buck's people are and when holmes looks at that he sees the very bottom of the hierarchy and thinks it should be obliterated. it's all about power and control. i think we see more of it when people are threatened and there's a reason the 1920s speak to 2016. quaker. >> have some states like north carolina done rainations d. repairations. >> yes. the supreme court has not said that this holding, which says that the state has the power to sterilize people for eugenic reasons and that doesn't present constitutional problem as long is a there'