brandless is a community of people that believe everyone deserves better and it doesn't have to cost we can curate and edit a simple assortment of what you're looking for. shampoo on amazon, you will get 20,000 results. you say you only want to see the clean ones. you're going to get one great shampoo and it is three dollars. is simplified. amazon has everything, we have products we have created and curated for the community that we sell to the community, and it's not a lot of choice, which for a lot of people is very relaxing. it's anti-overwhelmed. .mily: you're only a year old him would like to say i won over, but the product in the story and the opportunity to reimagine an industry is what he has built the fund for. whouilt a team of investors are operators, who know how to scale things, who see that the cpg industry is really broken. it is so many layers and it was built for a very different time. products were built for the shelf, not for shipping, and they were going through stores and never markups and it was terribly inefficient. what he saw was that we could completely disr