agner will soon have the chance to confront his future head-on. his girlfriend has bonded him out. >> i'm hoping i can go and be with my girl. that's what i'm hoping. >> full name? >> brandon mug or nothing? >> no complimentary mug. you don't get no mug. >> wait for them to do a report and then i guess i'll get dressed out. i'm not sure what's going on. >> before agner is discharged, the jail runs his name through a statewide database to see if he has any outstanding charges elsewhere. >> left hand. this finger scan is to make sure he doesn't have any warrants in any other counties. we don't always know what they have. we do this before we let them go. if they do have a hold or warrant in another county, we'll send a message out to that other county and they'll tell us to place a hold on them if they want to come pick them up. and in columbia county, it is showing up. >> officer jefferson discovers that agner has been indicted in another county on receiving stolen property and obstruction of a law enforcement officer. >> tank top. we discharge him out of the system, give him his property back. once he gets to columbia county, they'll do the same thing here, dress him up, g