today brandon barry's taking his camper camera for a little drive through the country side of the car about. came when i thought well if i can just be inside the camera i have a dark room inside as well. and i could take my dog. car anywhere and sort of being in a store space which was. everywhere else could be the. final preparations for a photo shoot with. his mobile x x l camera. light is pouring through this lens and projected me outside world inside upside down if i move this focal point the closer away from the lens you see how different things come into focus. places reined in barry positions the model and they're ready to shoot tiny bits you're right. prospect so long for the moment. turn the lights off closed. kind of his photographic paper around in the pages. of time to this point. will make an exposure by opening and closing. one. 3rd. he puts the photo through the inside the camp and does the rest out. it's incredible it's really nice because something interesting. is incredible photographs. even a telephone box can become a camera and print is already planning to repurpo