brandon buttner has been studying it.onpartisan cbo projects that obamacare is going to cost the nation the equivalent of 2.5 million workers jobs. >> that's not that employers will be firing them. basically, that is a disincentive to work built into obamacare. it gives subsidies and certain tax credits to people that don't earn that much and they'll have to pay more for their health care. why work? and again, that encourages this whole culture of entitlement, depending on the government. >> but surely, some employers are going to start firing workers all together or placing the full time to part time. >> absolutely. because if you have 50 full time worker, you have to provide health insurance. if you have 53 worker, aren't you going to fire four just to get under that you know, to get under that, that base. and we've also seen that people are starting to do this. they're making full time workers into part time workers. investors business daily say that 500 companies so far are already terminating or putting to part time.