joining me now is gavin's father, south carolina lawmaker brandon guffey.brandon guffey, godspeed to you and your family. please tell us about gavin. >> thank you. michael.. >> gavin had. >> just graduated. >> high school. >> he was just.. i like to say that he was living his best. >> life. >> and, there were no. signs of any stress or anything of that nature. and all of this happened in one night starting at midnight. and by 1:40 a.m., he had taken his life. >> i know that you contemplated leaving public service, and certainly we can all understand how you'd given that consideration, your wife held you back. how come? >> well. >> whenever gavin took his life, you know, my focus. your entire priorities change. it's the best way to state it. and, you know, i wanted to walk away, and i figure out what to do in my life. and my wife said, absolutely not. you're one of the few people that can get in and make a difference. and go and stop this from happening to the next gavin. and so that. >> tell me about your. >> t shirt. focus. overall. so that less than three