my name is brandon mckenna. i have been a resident of the haight/ashbury. that seems to be a good year for the arrival of some good neighbors. i am a member of the volunteer bargaining group that works with -- bargaining group that works with san francisco parks -- gardening group that works with san francisco parks to cleanup and keep albert lake in beautiful, as it was envisioned as many years ago. when we started, the lake was overrun by transients. we made some progress. it is always one step or, one step back. the gardeneres and other people are extremely upset by the damage that is done by people encamped in the park. i and several of other volunteers have cleaned out camps, shopping carts, sleeping bags, fecal material, food, the job they leave behind. we planted an entire hillside that is just to the left as you enter the park by the east had entrance of the park. within a couple of months, the transit population had completely destroyed hundreds of plants. i believe we have something like 25 volunteers that day and that put in hours of work. about