. >> reporter: on the other side of the ball new safety brandon meriwether a two-time pro bowler with patriots is coming off a subpar season in chicago. meriwether is looking to reestablish himself as an nfl force. perhaps we should call it meriwether's rebound season. or not. >> rebound? i don't like the word rebound. you know? each season, you know, i think is a new season, you know? i think you could rebound, step back up or, you know, all of the love, negative worth that people try to use, i think. this year is a season in its own and that is how i'm going to treat it. >> brandon meriwether i covered when he was down at the university of miami and i went down there and sat him down and had a long conversation. he was talking about a game they were getting ready to play against florida state. and he said, this is a two blimper. i said what do you mean? he goes, man, this is a game so big you need two blimps to cover it! i thought that was a great quote. at the time he was a 19-year-old kid. i thought it was great. two blimper. >>> raheem morris is the former head coach of the bucca