in the backyard then they played with it inside and that' s when destiny was shot. 23-year-old brandon sharpe is being held without bond. the victim told police shoup forced himself on her in the bathroom of a park in early february and she broke up with him. last week, she said shoup started sending vulgar text messages demanding sex or he would post pictures of her online. according to the police report, shoup admitted he raped the victim. merritt police say stephen terry was run down. it happened last night on the courtney parkway. police are looking for a dark colored chevy. >> unbelievable. it' s a shame that he was hit and left in there. it' s unbelievable. highway patrol says they might place prison time. jim: the suspect in a deadly shooting outside an orange county strip club was denied bond today. louis cintron is charged with first degree murder and attempted murder. deputies say he was in a group of bikers who got into a brawl outside the diamond club early sunday morning. cintron is accused of opening fire and killing carlos enrique cruz. two others were hurt. the ink -- the dead