pier 27 brandon street warf, 23.5 and pier 50 le sub structure repairs, all four projects have satisfied local hire are on track to meet their local hire requirements and conditional waivers for off site credit and apprenticeship have been utilized. the pipeline to meet these needs for construction workers are through the apprenticeship program was founed and it was partnered with city college of san francisco, trade apprenticeship program. and its eligible for college credit and financial aid participating in this program. the minimal requirement are high school diploma, ged, valid driver's license and the ability to pass a drug test and those are industry requirements and those aren't the ones we impose. their curriculum is a general training and hands on training and construction safing, and blueprint labor and life skills, cpr first aid, scaffolded stairway confined spaces and fall lift and traffic control. and then our apprentice ship partners are the carpenters, cement maceers, sheet metal workers and we support the training program founded in 2009. it's an 18 week curriculum, non