write tall beautiful girls as you know i have high standards and i would get nor response brandon wade founder and c.e.o. all the website as well as a self leave old attractive member says a business transaction lures in the girl of your dreams and ensures she will stand you up but critics ask isn't this prostitution this generous offer a person or has provided us with an event a four hawkers i think the chances of this girl not actually being a hooker are moving negative five thousand percent this girl is a professional and i don't mean a paralegal or gun repair expert the web site mastermind disagrees how is this the same from prostitution it's completely different you're paying for the chance of falling in love you're not paying for sex on the first thing you're paying perhaps for the chance that you might save you a track and potentially have a row as if you're a smooth keeping prices for that chance generally range from twenty to one hundred dollars to make finding the one easier personal profiles or be a little i'm down to earth outgoing very funny i consider myself as being a nice conve