and just like sitting on the dock of the bay is a jewel among otis redding's collection, the new braniffwharf is a jewel among the port's park open space collection, and we are so amazingly proud of it. it has taken a very long time and hundreds of people. the transformation of this kind of a waterfront doesn't come easy. for those of you who know it keenly, it was a thousand feet of failing edge, dilapidated pier and a tried but true seawall. and today as you look around, it is a thousand feet of public space, a place where we can walk along and experience the bay peacefully, playfully, we can gather here, we can work here, we can recreate here and we can celebrate here. and i am so pleased and thankful to all of you who have made this moment possible. i want to take a short second to recognize some truly deserving port staff. first and foremost, planning project manager dan hodep with byron red, dianne, linda, several interns and a whole planning division. (applause) >> engineering project manager stephen real, lead architect wendy proctor. architect alan jen. i'd like to know the arch