it faces east on brannan street, and all of the building's east of this billboard on brannan street, except for one, are residential and nature. it is my contention that this billboard, the light that reflects off this billboard, and tears my living room and bedroom and all of the other condominium units, as well as the light that reflects off into the neighborhood in the middle of the night and is not consistent with the residential quality of the neighborhood. the commission has few opportunities to limit nonconforming uses, and i believe this will be the last opportunity to ameliorate the effects of the elimination of this billboard. i am asking that conditions be placed such that the billboard not be eliminated past 9:00 p.m. and eliminatedre--- and not re- eliminated until after 7:00 a.m. president olague: thank you. >> thank you for your consideration. president olague: is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner fong? commissioner fong: maybe i can ask the project sponsor to speak to the height of the existing antennas, if they a