post master general megan brannon to double the rate the postal service charges amazon and other companiesconversations. "the post" says the move could cost the companies billions of dollars. joe, he's literally using the presidency as his personal vendetta tool. >> yes, personal vendetta. elise jordan, not banging a drum here, that doesn't deserve to be banged, but, once again, you have donald trump doing something that so goes against constitutional norms. that so go against presidential norms. that go against american norms. where you have a president personally pushing a post master to raise rates so he can go after someone he views as a political adversary because he doesn't like a newspaper that this businessman owns. i mean, it's -- i'm sorry, that's not hyperbole. that is reality. >> joe, this is beyond just, you know, interfering in the market at this point. this is banana republic behavior. >> yep. >> i remember , you know, workig in iraq, afghanistan and corruption and rule of law issues. hearing from american officials working with iraqi authorities to try to stamp out corrupti