brantley, you could just read, had a long, long history of opiate addiction. and if you're in this business long enough, you know the chances are at some point it will rear its ugly head. so, now he's on your watch, sogo yoto make sure you're dotting i's and crossing t's, that's for sure. 'r so what gonna do today is i'm gonna have you review these conditions now. so what i need you to do is read every one and make sure you understand each condition and then sign at the end. >> narrator: among the conditions of his release, erroll will have to undergo, mandatory drug testid he's barred from contact with prior victs, which includes his girlfriend, katherine. >> and is long-tm planning with your mom at that address? >> no, i want to go back i don't ith my mom, i actually live with my girlfriend katherine. >> that's why i'm asking.he >> but was a problem at the jail. they said that she was a victim and they took her off my visiting list after, like, 17 months. >> who's the person? >> katherine eaton >> was she a victim or not? >> no, she wasn't. >> what a