the reign mister mar brantley called the bombing of nagasaki the apogee of human cruelty and inhumanityhe says his country sees no useful purpose for nuclear arms, and called on all nations to work for peace and mutual respect for mankind. this comes after ireland and ninigeria and niue ratified th treaty on thursday >> in a a message for a a memor ceremony i in nagasaki, , the u secretarary general anantonio guterrrres says he l looks forw to the treaty enentering into force e as a part of thehe nucl disarmament campaign. the treaty adopted three years ago prohibits the development, possession, and use of nuclear weapons. but nuclear powers as well as japan and other countries protected by the u.s. nuclear umbrella have not signed it. >>> and now, an update on last week's deadly blast in beirut, lebanon, that so far has taken the lives of at least 158 people and injured about 6,000 others. representativeves from more tha 30 nations and international groups have agreed to provide about $300 million in emergency relief. world leaders on sunday took part in an online donor conference orga