with the sovereign, clematis, true, and don’t forget batyushkov before pushkin, yes, don’t forget bratynskyn and so forth, so the list will probably fill up. for several dozen names, the russian language, i want to say, in general is incredibly convenient for poetry, honestly, well, i know french, maybe so that their emphasis is always on one, on one layer, everything is on the last syllable, but with us it can be on the first, on the second, on the third, on the tenth, whatever you like, further, in western verses, and not only in western ones, the phrase is required it begins with what, with the subject, i went, i went outside, yes, he looked out the window, and so on, and we, and we have such a row of clouds, a flying mountain, this is a cannon, where the subjects are at the very end. gred's proposal, that's where it is and this gives the poet the opportunity to wonderfully use these things in poetry, take advantage of them, they help write poetry, so i'll read the poem, i love the tyranny of rhyme, it achieves, makes suddenly... meaning and perfection, and truly , a bird of paradise sud