lnchts award winning brauft leslie stall has had to be tough throughout her career but when her firstranddaughter was born she was blind side by emotion. she has "the new york times" best selling book "becoming grandma, the joys and science of grandparenting" out now in paper book and it would do me an honor to have her on this program. you've never been on my show on this set. >> i'm so heap to be here with you. >> my career wouldn't have been complete had you not made bun visit so thank you. >> you're too lovely. thank you. >> what a great reason for a visit. let me just start with there are two or three things in here that i've learned from reading your text which has fascinated me. >> what. >> i did not know that of the humans there are only two animals who tloif become grandparents. >> that's my favorite thing in the book too. >> and they. >> whales and elephants. >> whales and elephants. >> and us. and for years and throw poll gifts were trying to figure out why we have grandmother's. in the animal kingdom if you no longer reproduce they die. and when i tell people this thez the