but he didn't just confine himself to braunstein's efforts. he also took on a tour of games experiment in the 1920's as well as others that have been played just weeks before and games that he had gleaned from a russian newspaper. all the time bobby we'd all the possibilities and suggest alternatives, selected the best discriminated, decided. it was a history lesson and a chest tutorial. but mainly, it was an amazing feat of memory. his eyes slightly glazed were now fixed on the pockets at which he gently held open in his left hand talking to himself, totally unaware of my presence or that he was in a restaurant. his intensity seemed even greater than when he was pleading in the tournament. his fingers spread by in a blur and his face showed the slightest of smiles as if he were in a reverie. he whispered barely audibly. now, if he plays that, i can block his bishop. and then, raising his voice so low that some of the customers stared he won't play that. i began to weep quietly, aware that in that time suspended moment i was in the presence of