percent the last two bars on the right the federal government covers none the bridge covers 41 percent braus plus the deductible and the individual discovers the rest the 59 percent the earlier graft between 2 hundred and 50 poverty the health care costs are the highest percentage this is lateral due to the significant incline to federal government subsidies that occur as income increases thus with the high cost of living in san francisco this is the population that most likely to be at risk without our bridge to coverage program so the brick to coverage benefit was designed to have a meaningful benefit to have the resources for the participants we estimate it the 3 hundred san franciscans that are likely to use this program 67 percentage will be less than 40-year-old and 73 percent work less than thirty hours per week and 85 percent earn less than 17 thousand and the rest eligible for the subsidies it is entirely support by the contribution of the employers by the 3 thousand individuals each projection the 2016 and 18 projections are the projection in berkley studies and 3 thousand particip