must to resist these provocations and then an overwhelming victory for independence but the brave new republic really only lasted a weekend how did you feel that the when you declared a catalan republic. of course was not for us it was a very serious moment very important moment and very story call moment for it was not a party. was a. moment for our generation for our lives for a biographies for our for our commitment as a politicians it was a day of. because in this day we make possible all that we said before by the start of the next week the spanish judicial system or rolled into action and took away the constitutional prize that catalonia had gained well this mistake in fact start a new era in the end of his era that will start a catalan rapidly because of independence can prevail at the catalan elections in december that it too i'm confident in the big three but i want to trust spanish state spain state under also the european authorities if they will accept. result like this if the independent mormons or process. are the majority thing the next catalan parliament is the spanish state re