so davis along with his secretary of war, john seddon, and chief military adviser, braxton bragg, who had been promoted under the double peter principle to davis' military adviser at that point, the three of them started using words like treason, take names, keep a list, watch these men, da, da, da, da. and davis finally had the secretary of war send word back to johnston -- destroy all copies of the proposal, and no one shall ever discuss this again. he almost succeeded in destroying the records because the only copy that ever appeared was found 20 years later when confederate records were being assembled to produce the official records of the war of rebellion. and there it was. so that's in the official records, if you choose to read clayburn's very thoughtful and thought-provoking proposal which at that time got nowhere. one clear effect it had is it stopped his career advancement because over the next ten months before he was killed in general hood's suicidal attack at franklin, tennessee, in november of that year, there were three times that core commander positions became nope t