so bray hamlin con is being welcomed into heaven by washington. so days before his assassination, some of these things never would have been put together, but because of his assassination and the effect it had on the country, all of his misgivings, at least for a short time, were forgotten. and the memorialization of bray hamlin con really started with the mattrtyrdom. e look briefly at the erected. we look at the celebrations like the first celebration of his birth in 1909. we look at many of the positives like ee mansz passion which were not fully realized by 1909 when celebrations were held, but african-americans were not allowed into these celebrations and how those kinds of things spurred the birth of organizations like naacp. we look at how presidents throughout time and what we have is just a small example of how lincoln's words inspired them, how they turned to lincoln and his writings for inspiration in their own decisions. and even how presidents on opposite sides of political parties used the exact same quote to support arguments that w