first place, brazil aquathon. second place, check that out.hunderstorm at falls fever. 30 place is called, hey, chief. i have to say the bravest woman on the planet. this is called lady in the water. this one -- whoa! you can hardly see that owl. this is called portrait of an eastern shiek owl. they can do a lit bit of photo correction but not too much. to tell us more, we have dan via skype from "national geographic" traveler. dan, welcome to the show. >> glad to be here. >> what made you pick the aquathon. >> look at the skyscrapers unless background. this is in brazil. action picture but also a portrait of this city. first we get about 15,000 pictures. down to 150 pictures i showed a panel of nine judges. as beautiful of some of the pictures we get in are, we want a picture that makes you feel like you could have been there. we used to try hard to say you had to make less than a certain amount of your income each year in things other than photography but now it's just impossible to do that. >> you have to deal with fakes. people trying to p