every stray word and every media report will make it harder for us to o get the right dedeal for brbritain. our opposite numbers in the european commission know it. which is why they're keeping their discipline. the european government also knows it. however frustrating some people find it, the government will not be pressured into paying more than i believe is in our national interest to pay. toause it is not my job fill: just with daily updates, but to get the right deal for britain. that is what i intend to do. deal and aent that a new strategic partnership between the u.k. and the e.u. can be achieved. this is firstly because having held conversations with almost every leader from every e.u. member state, having spent time talking to the senior figures in the european institutions, and ,fter my cabinet colleagues david cameron, boris johnson, have done the same with their interlocutory. i am confident that the vast positivewant a partnership between the u.k. and the e.u. after the brexit. i'm confident that the objectives i'm setting out today are consistent with the needs of the e.u.