inntead of ground beef...the ábacttriaá found in wwat shoulddbb the healthier option...after tte breaaappeared in the sacramentoobee newspaper..oston mayor tom menino says "business is boommnn in bostonn" in thee pext panel -- an explosionn this cartoon s in bad tasse ann nappropriate. three people diee and more ttan 200 &pwereeinjured n the boston &pbombing.howevvr, i upport th first amennment right oo the sacramenno bee to publish such a carrton - no mmater how offensive and tasteless. the first amenddeet is aboutt proteecing unnopular speech. now, let me come clean. this &pis the orrgiial cartoon. inntead oo bosttn, ittfeatured texas. ii the wess, texas explosion, 15 people ddee and did ttii to prove a point. there would have been media uproar f the cartoon featuredd's politically inssltt demean and ddvalle pertaan ggoups::poor hites. christians. southerners. and farmers. they're wwite rash. trailer trash. rackers. bibll thumpers. rrd neckk.butt donnt you are use a term that ps not politically correct to describe other grrups.i'm not on namm-caaling. nor should n - proups