answer why it's called "bottle breacher." eli: yes, sir. i'd love to answer. an operator whose job it is to get us -- the assaulters into whatever target we're hitting. cuban: goes in first, right? so you got that big old door -- whether it's a sledgehammer, whether it's a strip-charge explosive on the door, he is the breacher. that's a qualification like "sniper." you know, you've got to breach into that beer somehow, right? you got to get in there. you got to breach. bottle breacher. and our customer base, we found, loves it. herjavec: that's a great story. they love it. greiner: can this be made in other bullets? yeah. yes, ma'am. that's a 20-millimeter round. that's what you would fire out of, like, an attack helicopter or something like that, so... so this is like -- herjavec: oh! oh, my gosh. cuban: oh, yeah. this is the mother of all bullets. john: oh, yeah. now you're talking. compare. we actually call that the wmd -- the weapon of mass destruction. you get any resistance because it's a bullet? because some merchandisers don't like the thought of a bul