the discussion about brecht breck said in london as a truly global workforce is another example of whathared the stories about san francisco and silicon valley because the current clinical climate i find is troubling. for those of us at operating in and around the financial industry, we need to do a better case and make a better case for an open economy. let me just start and give a little bit of a global backdrop. i mean a real global backdrop. starting with the neolithic era, 10000 bce, and until mid- 19th century, the human conditions did not change. in fact, weight, height, caloric intake intake and life expectancy was the same until about 7000 bc until the 19th century. think about that. when thomas hobbes wrote that life is nasty, brutish and short, he wrote about a time of known human existence. the exception was that life would never change. it did change. starting in the mid-19th century, host of things came together. the enlightenment, the issue of property rights and human rights and political freedom and the great scottish philosopher sir adam smith who wrote the theory of o