more monuments celebrating the nation's racicit history are toppled or removed, we will speak to bree newsome. five years ago she was arreste at the sta c capit in n soh carolinafter scang a 30-ot flagpolendnd reming g th cocoederate ag. i come against you in the name of god. this flag comes down today. amy: all that and more, coming up. welcome toto democracy now!,, the quarante report. i'm amy goododman. in a majoror victoryry for the q community and d civil rights, te supreme court ruled monday that a landmark civil rights law protects gay, bisexual, and transgendeder people fromm discrimination in the workplace. the historic 6-3 ruling comes after decades of legal battles and campaigning. the ruling was penned by one of the court's most conservative justices, trump appointee neil gorsuch. chief justice john roberts joined the majority opinion in stating that titleleii of the 1964 civil rights act forbids workplace discrimination on n te basis of sex, applies to gay and transgender people. at least half of the 50 states previously alloweded employers o fire workers for b