general breedlove, we thank you for working in your schedule to be here. often times we hear everybody talking about leaving iraq and afghanistan, but we know when the air force, when everybody else might come home, the air force oftentimes does not come home. they still have to stay there an continue to do operations. i'd like to have any comments you have about what these cuts have made to the air force already and what future cuts could do and the floor is yours. >> thank you, chairman forbes. chairman mckeon, congresswoman bordallo, thanks for the opportunity to talk to you today about 69,000 -- 690,000 plus proud airmen who serve as part of a joint team you see before us. these are challenging times, the air force has been at war more than two decades. we have fought alongside the team in afghanistan since 9/11. we went to the gulf, the gulf war in the beginning of the 1990's and didn't come home to your point, sir. quite often when the nation comes back from a war, we leave significant assets to overwatch remaining forces to provide support to those