yes, if i lived in sukhum, i would spend all my evenings here, on brekhalovka.ionately discuss the latest news. i’m in sukhumi, friends, this is the life of my own. if brekhalovka is the main party place in the abkhaz capital, then the most fashionable point of the city is the sukhumi fashion house, which was famous throughout the country back in soviet times. there will be a golden edging here, in general, there will be a ribbon with an ornament. and here we have the soviet union before the war, here we are before the war, we ’re talking until 1992, the walls were decorated like this, so when i started working here, i was 30 years old. batu ardinzinba is the permanent director of the sukhumi fashion house. once upon a time, the most fashionable clothes in the union were sewn here using western patterns, so it was the abkhazians who made up for the import deficit during soviet times. national attributes are the most honorable products of the studio. almost every state flag that... here is a flag, it was sewn here in our workshop, i’ve been living here for 10 yea