if no relatives are willing or able to help, brena slater and her team have four hours to find a new family, in accordance with regulations. brena: our entire circuit has been removing an average of 85 children a monthth. so, we had a d day last week whe we had ten childreren removed n one night, w within two hours. so, en sitituations like that happen, we're calling g foster paparents. reporter: but there are not enough foster families to take on this important responsibility. kate dumbaugh is a foster mother. she took in aidan when he was nine months old, and made sure that his contact with his birth mothther never broke off. kate explains how it is when drug-addicted parents suddenly take a sober view of their own lives. kakate: to keep that momentum going, day in and day out, when you're s sober for maybe the fit time in your life, and you're confronting all sorts of -- it always chokes me up. when you think about what they have to go through day-to-day, reporter: a court gave aidan's mother one year to get her life in order after she had overdosed on heroin. katherinine: since i