representative brenda lawrence of the 14th district of michigan. virgin islands. representative bonnie watson coleman of the 12th district of new jersey. as they come to the stage ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause to the congressional black caucus of the 114thongress. [applause] as the cbc of the 114th congress embarks on critical work on behalf of the american people they do so of course in faith and re dr. william j. barber the and pastor of greenleaf church and president of the north carolina conference of the naacp and will lead us and followed by a soloist wanda barnes. >> let us bow our heads in prayer. gracious eternal and all-wise god, thou who formed what is out of nothing and called us into being to serve you you oh, lord who weighs every nation in the balance of your own standards. on this day of installation and new beginning in the midst of new beginnings and new challenges for this, the congressional black caucus and this congress, guide their feet, lord, while they run this race. as they stand remind them and us th