deputy chief brenda leigh johnson. gosh, i'm sorry, chief jojoson. but i'm actually running late for a meeting at the funeral home about my brother's memorial service. is there something i can help you with real quick? golly gee, there is, real quick, if you could turn around, put your hands behind your back so i can arrest t u for the murders of andre hicks, jason mcdonald, and dennis bailey. what? murders? jed bailey, you have the rht to remain silent. if you give up that right... ow! ...anything you say cann and will be used against you in a court of law. gene: bad dog! no ball! go home! goome, ralphie! go home! [ grunts ] y'all have been so patient. i'm so sorry to have bothered you with all this. hey. sometimes crummy things turn out okay. uh, speaking of which, would you, uh,h,ould you sign that time sheet for me? oh. uh, of course. my pleasure. you know, we're putting all this extra cash toward that condo we saw down in panama, and you are gonna come to visit, mister. can't wait for you get there. there you go. thank you so much. so, where are