. >> [ serene music plays ] >> we're back again with yoga expert brenda schnable. hi. >> hi. >> so, tell us about what the "monkey mind" means. >> the monkey mind is when you can't shut those thoughts off. you're jumping from thought to thought like a monkey jumps from branch to branch. it's most common when you go to sleep at night. you just can't get that mind to turn off. and so there's a couple things you can do shut that or slow that monkey mind down. one of them is an inversion. would you like to try? >> sure, let's do it! >> all right. so let's turn this way, so that we don't run into each other. this is called rag doll. from back when i was a kid there was a doll called raggedy anne and raggedy andy. so you just bend over, hold those elbows. [ inhales deeply ] an inversion has a calming effect because the heart is above the head. and then just release those elbows and slowly roll up. the next thing you can do for the monkey mind is balance poses. balances are great because they make you focus and concentrate on something. so we're going to stand on our righ