. - joining us now is yoga therapist brenda schnable. hi. - hi. - so, what is the sun salutation? - the sun salutation is probably one of the most well-known vinyasas. they're a sequence of poses within yoga. it teaches you patience and perseverance as well as builds body strength and endurance. you want to give it a try? - sure, let's do it. - alright. walk to the front of your mat. - okay. - we're gonna lift our arms up and bend forward. we're gonna step that right foot back into a lunge and then take that left foot back coming into the top of a pushup called the plank pose in yoga. we're gonna come all the way down and then lift up into upward facing dog. curl those toes and lift up. push the head between the arms for our downward facing dog. step or walk that right foot forward into your lunge followed by that left. inhale all the way up and come into a little back bend and then we'll do it again on the other side. so, fold forward, left foot back, followed by that right. you're in your plank pose. lower yourself down, lift the chest and head, curl those toes, come into your d