this is some of what brenda wineapple has in mind. how you do it is another and more complicated matter and i will not try to get into that this morning, but bringing your subject back to life is a great and worthy goal. if i might quickly wrap up, to as rap hound's advice to make it new, we might also want to at and make it live again. thanks. [applause] >> we seem to be running a little early so we have time for questions. >> not a question, huge appreciation for you and what you just said. thank you very much. >> that is sweet. [applause] >> i am scooping myself the question i want to ask you in a session next weekend but why not seize the moment? first time i ever saw you and matt you was in 2003 in boston, mass. on the 200th birth day of ralph waldo emerson of whom you have written a marvelous book but it was a gathering of scholars, historians, critics, riders, told transcendental gained appreciating emerson from a , told transcendental gained appreciating emerson from a whole variety of angles and use the up in the middle of th