not have a consistent and i can conflict of interest and the only relationship that i share with brendan fox is that we are in the same industry and the letter was written on behalf of hoe would he and he is employed by zephyr employees and we are all independent and we have six of and is he is not in my office. >> thank you and one other thing, i believe you have had the opportunity to review the video at the prior hearing. >>> yes i did. >> okay mr. blag swrai. >>> if i could have the overhead please. commissioners this is the only design and you can see there was a back stair at the rather of the building and this guideline shows the building to the north and there was a bump out to that building. this is the rendering of what the original design would look like and i also just want to point out again, this rather bump now because it's relevant in terms of the design revision and is again, we weren't solved with this and neither were the neighbors and we thought this was the primary concern of neighbors. when we met we did a design revision, the neighbors were primarily kept obviously and