brendan sullivan, people might remember from the tennessee vince charnel, where the prosecutors ended up getting in more trouble with the end of the case than stevenson. and that isn't an accident. i to brendan sullivan's career that all the way to the beginning and show how in virtually every case he tries, the prosecutors or more at risk than his client. in fact in 35 years he's never lost a case, whereas the prosecutors in the case had gotten into trouble or lost their jobs countless time. >> and he was a lawyer, too, was a two? >> that is where rivers met him is covering the iran contra hearings, and he told me about how brendan sullivan was like the manager in the film bill durhma. he would interrupt him, taken all the time, have long conferences people felt something important was happening, and brendan sullivan would be sort of calling him down. a lot of really interesting insight into brendan sullivan, who i think most people who follow the law realize he is not only the best trial lawyer in the united states the most interesting as well. >> did the partners in williams and co