. >> so i recognize supervisor breslin and scott and our actuary is here in no questions budget analyst report mr. rose. >> yes. madam chair and supervisor avalos on page 7 of our report we report an fiscal an impact section the total estimate employee cross for the health and dental plan and long term disabled are $588 million plus. and in 2015 which is a 16 million 308 or 2.7 percent decrease and in 2014 we recommend you approve the proposed legislation >> thank you mr. rose. any questions >> no questions just quit remarkable we're able to present those rates and commend you for the work in the office. >> thank you supervisor avalos. steel a little bit of my thunder i want to thank katherine for the entire system it's amazing when other employers are seeing increasing toward 8 percent and we're having reductions so katherine that is due to our leadership so thank you. i'm glad to see you back again. we'll open this up for public comment anyone wish to comment on items three or four >> i say from the health services board. >> commissioner scott. >> i'm randy scott i serve as the vice c