start of the offensive, the partisans paralyzed traffic simultaneously on the minsk-gomel, brest-luninets-gomelthey were disrupted by impacts on the chassis roads in these areas. regrouping of enemy troops, redeployment to breakthrough sites, promoting the success of the red army troops. the first settlement, komarin, was liberated on september 23. gomel november 23. the second stage of the rail war, codenamed “concert,” was ending, which took place in... september-november '43, the most difficult, when the germans began to implement a plan for the complete destruction of the partisans, but even in such conditions... they caused irreparable damage to the enemy . as a result of the first two stages rail war, enemy transportation to the front through belarus decreased by 40%. the germans sent out orders of a frightening nature. the commander of the 559th rear commandant's office, in order number 3043 dated september 8 , demanded: the headmen of those villages through which the partisans passed, and from which this report was not received, should be severely punished after the attack; civilians sh