burns. >> greg: that is an excellent analysis, dana. >> dagen: i can't wait to hear what i have to say at the debate. with bret baier.analogy. >> greg: jokes with pizza with bret baier in utah but it's too late now. >> dana: maybe i will try if i have one. i want to talk about volunteer firefighters in new jersey. my friend, jenny landers saw a crow that was up in the tree and to her surprise, she saw it again friday. it turned out the crow was tangled in fishing line. and other crows had come and perched on a tree. she thought, they were trying to encourage it to free itself. she called the fire company, and volunteer training run, came right over and they retrieved the bird. the officers, the letter operator, they got the bird fre. isn't that nice? >> dagen: i rescued a bird on saturday. i found it in the street. >> dana: in new york? where do you take it? >> dagen: it recovered, but you can take it to the wildlife rescue. >> dana: a special dome xp 29 is up next with bret baier and let's see if he will buy me a pizza. >> thank you medina. new york just down the road from the studio and i'm bret baier, president tr