congratulate till i didn't chang and i want to thank the hawkins company william hawkins but especially bret myers and deputy labianca and i'm happy i can shred finally all those documents. i think i was the one who went through every single interview and looked at the qualifications but it was a really great process. thank you chair campos for combining the process as well. in many ways maria leading us through this process for 9 months ease hopefully with till i didn't coming in and hitting the ground running it's what the existing staff show leadership within and i'm really proud of our transportation authority >> thank you, colleagues. i also want to acknowledge the work of other personnel committee members and thank you you for your time and effort in this. i've learned a lot in the process. i want to thank the hawkins company for your support and casting a wide net. i want to thank the mta staff and the staff. again, i've been really appreciative under the helm of executive director lombardy thank you for your sacrifice because you didn't expect it to be as long as it was so i really appreci