and the bills game celebrity support from the american family association mike huckabee and even brett arv's wife however it's actually the brainchild of print activists lez riley has passed affiliations reported on by mother jones sees spearhead of the campaign called the conceived in rape tour which sounds insane but is about as extreme as other causes from the past riley's been a member of league of south an organization in favor of the south to seeing and becoming its own country built on biblical law he was also a blogger for a christian exodus a group that wanted to form a christian nation after america's lack of morality killed the empire so now we have a glimpse into this man's history the fact that he's gone as far as he has with this ballot measure it's quite frankly very scary and other states we were appalled when there was a talk of forcing women to view all of her cells listen to heartbeats of forgetting abortion but here mississippi is actually proposing that any type of fertilized egg a female no matter what the circumstance is protected under law and i for one hope the perso