these are all brett hart? so, rakwan murray, acres alicia richardson, michelle escobar, demere hill, benjamin claus, jonathan wong, katy bask and we have families from carver, linda and tony, eman robinson harris, monifra turner. why don't we start there and we'll go into the next grouping. you have one minute. sweetheart, when you come up, say your name and you can go ahead and start. come on up, babe. >> my name is raquan murray. good afternoon and members of board -- well, really, it's good afternoon, ms. garcia, since she's not here, and members of the board. my name is raquan murray and i attend brar heart elementary. i've been a part of this community for five years. when i first got to this school, it was hard for me. i didn't know anybody. it was like a new life so my teachers and parents made me feel comfortable. they told me to keep my head up. it was like a home. i had fair share of saying too much and often. when i started to go into second grade, i met a hero who helped me. she helped me with my a