it's like what happened to bria gilman. the overexposed him diminishing a great product.ut the media pushed the stimulus, so now oh, hey, just hanging upside down by my ankles. i don't trust the mainstream media at all anymore and i've never been happier. i spent so much time not readin the new york times it was me to do all the things i really want to do like hang upside down by my ankles. when i hang upside down by my ankles all the blood rushes to my head and it gives me a peaceful feeling. sometimes i stay here until the world seems right side up, and then when i turn right side up, the world seems upside down. you should try it. or may maybe not. >> i'm worried about him. once again, you get with the press want you to get, their information overloads that crav controlled. it wasn't always this way. centuries ago the first reporte only jotted down notes of village activities, no one minded because it kept them fro their sheep. the stories would be something like goat seen in forest lookin confused or the cobblers soiled himself in the park or journalist mounts goat in